Eyes on Jesus

Eyes on Jesus

Passage: Matthew 14:22-36
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4 questions & 4 Encouraging Truth Statements

  1. Why does Jesus send them out without Him?
    • Jesus sometimes feels distant, but we are never abandoned.
  2. What was it like on the boat?
    • Life sometimes feels overwhelming, but it’s never too much for Jesus.
  3. What were the other disciples thinking?
    • Challenges sometimes feel impossible, but with Jesus, the impossible becomes possible.
  4. What caused Peter to sink?
    • Failure sometimes feels permanent, but with Jesus, failure is never permanent.


Whatever your focus is on, that’s what your faith is in.

How is it that fixing our focus on Jesus can make the difference between sinking & walking on water?

My “next steps” this week with God:

  1. Read through Hebrews 1
  2. Watch the encouraging videos we discussed
  3. Be aware of what your focus is on this week