Striving to honor God in the good times

Striving to honor God in the good times

Passage: 2 Samuel 7:1-29

1. David’s dream meets God's dream. 2 Samuel 7:1-17
David’s dream: Build a temple for God
God’s dream: Build a dynasty that will last forever.

God’s “One Dream” (or plan)
God’s plan is to bless all the people of the earth who put their trust in His Son, Jesus Christ, by making them part of his forever kingdom.

How will God accomplish His plan?
- By restoring us to deep intimacy with God through the forgiveness offered by Jesus.
- By grafting us into His Dream & making us an important part of what He is doing in our world.

2. David’s response to God’s Dream… and mine. 2 Samuel 7:18-29

What is David’s response to God? Humility & Gratitude

What is the underlying motivation that will position me to gladly receive God’s dream for me? To Honor God above all else

What can I do when God says “No” to my dream?
1. BELIEVE that God has a better dream for you.
2. RESPOND by getting excited.
3. HONOR GOD with my life today.