Serving Others
Value #4: “SERVING OTHERS with a humble heart is our expression of Gratitude to God”
Serving means setting aside what I want to intentionally benefit someone else.
Understanding & Embracing our 4th value:
1. Jesus served. Philippians 2:5-8
2. We serve. Ephesians 4:11-13
3. Serving is motivated by gratitude. I Samuel 12:24
4. Serving others is the same as serving God when it is motivated by gratitude to God.
Showing kindness to the poor equals lending to the Lord. Prov 19:17
Jesus equates serving the needy with serving Him. Matt 25:31-46
Those who oppress widows will be severely punished.
Mark 12:38-40
Because God has been gracious to us, we are commanded to forward the same graciousness to those who wrong us. Matt 18:21-35
Even though the healed demoniac wanted to serve Jesus, he was told to serve others instead. Mark 5:1-20