Learn to See the City the Way God Sees It.
- What is a CITY? A city is a social form in which people physically live close together to one another.” Center Church, 135.
- Cities are like magnets.
- Cities function as a magnified version of humanity.
- How does GOD see the city?
- The Old Testament describes the city as a place of safety & protection.
- God chose one city to be His own dwelling place on earth.
- God even cares about cities that are filled with Israel's enemies.
- God’s people have been sent into the cities & peoples of the world.
- Our God-given mission is to influence others toward a restored relationship with God.
- A wise strategy for accomplishing our mission is to target cities first.
- Our future home is described as a city.
- How does MY VIEW of the city compare with God’s?
- How does my view of the city compare with the way God sees cities?
- What is one change in my thinking or behavior that would be most helpful in finding balance in my approach to culture?
My NEXT STEP with God is to keep processing the questions we discussed during today’s message.
- How does my view of the city compare with the way God sees cities?
- What is one change in my thinking or behavior that would be most helpful in finding balance in my approach to culture?
city, evangelism, outreach