God is Authority over ALL
Sermon Downloads
Numbers 16
- God is the Ultimate Authority. Everyone will bow down.
- Creation itself submits to the authority of God.
Mark 4:35-41
- Jesus can see beyond the storm.
- Jesus has authority over the storm.
John 6:38-40
- If we belong to God through faith in Jesus, God’s commitment to us is that we will not be lost.
Daniel 3:13-18
- I can take comfort in the truth that God has authority over all.
- When I have surrendered to God’s authority and aligned myself with Him, then I can find great comfort in God’s holy authority
My NEXT STEP with God this week:
- Am I facing a storm right now? Where is Jesus in it?
- Am I finding comfort in the assurance that Jesus is greater than my storm? Or am I lost in fear, seeing the storm as greater than Jesus?
- Am I ok with God being authority over all things, including my own life?
- Go back to one or more of the stories mentioned today to continue pondering my own heart’s response to God’s holy authority. (Numbers 16, Mark 4:35-41; Daniel 3; John 6:25-59)