Not Alone

Have you ever felt like you’re all alone?  Like nobody understands what you’re going through – or maybe even that nobody cares?  Life takes us there sometimes.  David wrote about that in Psalm 34.  He was a fugitive in enemy territory – he was supposed to be the next king of Israel, and yet he can’t even live in his own country because he’s being hunted by the current king.  And in that season of isolation, David writes Psalm 34.  Here is one verse from that Psalm:  “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” (v18)  David came out of that season with praise on his lips.  He no longer felt alone.  If you can relate, maybe Psalm 34 would be a good one for you today.
Just something God brought to my mind as I prepare for Sunday’s message.I hope you find encouragement and strength in Jesus’ love for you today.