Culture Shock

Starting July 7th.

Sermon 1 in the series "Culture Shock: A Biblical Response to Today's Most Divisive Issues."
Youversion Event What does God say about the environment? The earth belongs to God - Psalm 24:1-2 We are to Honor God's creation. Genesis 1:1 God appointed mankind "Dominion" over…
Youversion Notes We all operate under PRESUPPOSITIONS... Society’s View Christian View I was born this way! It’s not genetic. We’re ALL born in sin Romans 3:23, 6:23 10% of the…
God is very much Pro-Sex. 4 Reasons God made us sexual creatures: Physical Pleasure - Proverbs 5:18-19, Song of Solomon 2:3 Procreation - Genesis 1:28 Relational Intimacy - Genesis 2:18-225…
Youversion Event Are followers of Jesus supposed to be active in politics?  Or are we supposed to focus on strictly spiritual matters? 4 Biblical Absolutes: There are two kingdoms in…
Youversion Notes What would you say to a believer who says they “need an abortion?” What is the history of abortion in the world? What were Planned Parenthood’s arguments for…
Youversion Notes
Youversion Notes Let’s be careful not to confuse the movement with the people. 6 ways we can reduce the distance between us and the transgender community: See them as people.…
Youversion Notes “Racism” = the belief that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. ( TRUTH:  There is no race that is superior to another. Galatians 3:26-29…